Tips for secure file sharing
To avoid the issues associated with consumer software, Sloshberg advised business owners to find the right file-sharing solution that is designed specifically for businesses.
1. Take action, and don't ignore the problem.
A lot of file sharing happens at work. Instead of ignoring data protection, make it a priority by finding a service that allows users to work within the email to send and receive files – regardless of size – instead of using workaround solutions.
2. Choose a business-grade system.
Consumer-grade services can leave you susceptible to data leaks and other security threats. They also make e-discovery or statements of compliance difficult. Find a business-grade service that gives you appropriate visibility and security controls, including access control, expiring file access, and compliance and e-discovery.
3. The cloud makes it easy.
You want a solution that you can install and implement quickly at your office. Business-focused cloud services offer an ideal setup speed and ongoing agility.
4. Consider an integrated system vs. a separate-point solution.
You may be tempted to find a stand-alone system that simply delivers file sharing. Consider, though, a more integrated system that includes other key capabilities, such as email security.
5. Train and educate users.
Employees need to understand the sensitivities of different types of information and the risks associated with mishandling sensitive data. They should have a clear understanding of what they cannot share outside the business and secure ways of sharing appropriate information with external parties. If you've invested in a secure service, you need to make sure employees use it.
6. Ease of use is crucial.
With easy access to intuitive consumer-grade services, your chosen business solution must be just as easy to use as the consumer options, and as frictionless as possible. This is key to ensuring its ongoing use so that it can successfully protect your business's information.