Below is a list of my favourite shortcuts to use in Microsoft Excel. Don’t worry about writing these ones down, you can receive a PDF copy of all keyboard shortcut lists at the bottom of this post.

My Favourite Shortcut Keys

Shortcut KeysDescription
Ctrl + NCreate a New workbook
Ctrl + OOpen an existing workbook
Ctrl + F12Display the Open dialog box
Ctrl + SSave current workbook
Ctrl + PPrint current workbook
Ctrl + WClose current workbook
Ctrl + ASelect entire worksheet
Ctrl + ZUndo. Undo. Undo. Need I say more?
Ctrl + YRedo the last action
Ctrl + XCut
Ctrl + CCopy
Ctrl + VPaste
Ctrl + BApply Bold formatting
Ctrl + IApply Italics formatting
Ctrl + UApply Underline formatting
Ctrl + FFind text or formatting within the current workbook
Ctrl + HFind and replace text or formatting within the current workbook
Ctrl + GUse the Go To feature
Ctrl + KInsert a hyperlink
Ctrl + EFlash Fill
Ctrl + 1Display the Format Cells dialog box
AltTurn KeyTips on and off
TABMove one cell to the right
Ctrl + mouse wheelScroll the mouse wheel up to zoom in and down to zoom out
Alt + TabSwitch between open program windows
F1Launch Help
F2Edit the current cell
F4Repeat the last action
F7Spell Check
F11Create a chart from current data
F12Save As
Ctrl + HomeMove the cursor to cell A1
Ctrl + EndMove the cursor to last cell containing data
Ctrl + Shift + ~Apply a General Number format
Ctrl + Shift + $Apply a Currency Number format
Ctrl + Shift + %Apply a Percentage Number format
Ctrl + Space BarSelect current column
Shift+ Space BarSelect current row
Shift + HomeHighlight from the current cell back to column A of the row
Ctrl + Shift + HomeHighlight from the current cell back to cell A1
Ctrl + Shift + EndHighlight from the current cell to the last cell containing data
Ctrl + Page UPMove between worksheets (Right to Left)
Ctrl + Page DownMove between worksheets (Left to Right)

That’s the list of my favourite shortcuts in Excel. To see a full list of all shortcuts available in Excel, use the F1 key to access the built-in Microsoft Excel Help feature and search for keyboard shortcuts.
